All you need to know on real estate in one podcast!

The CEPI Podcast is a platform where various stakeholders from the real estate sector can share news and information about the market, EU and national policy developments, as well as interesting news about the latest tech developments in the sector in an informal yet informative manner. Here below you will find links to all episodes of the CEPI podcast, which you can follow on as well as on all major streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Podcast.

For more information on how to join the initiative, please contact the Secretariat of CEPI:


Episode 3

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in the UK

Episode 4

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Ireland

Episode 5

CEPI Outreach: A message from our Director-General

Episode 6

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Greece

Episode 7

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Italy

Episode 8

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Slovakia

Episode 9

CEPI Podcast, Special Episode with NAR Realtors

Episode 10

CEPI Podcast, Special Episode with NARKS

Episode 11

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Belgium

Episode 12

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Spain

Episode 13

CEPI Podcast, Special Episode with GEAR

Episode 14

CEPI Podcast, Special Episode with EAHSP

Episode 15

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Turkey

Episode 16

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Italy

Episode 17

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Georgia 

Episode 1

Welcome to CEPI Podcast

Episode 2

CEPI Info Zoom: Real Estate in Ireland